17 foods that resemble the parts of the body they're good for + bonus - an honorary drink

There is no doubt that a varied and sensible diet can go a long way in keeping our bodies healthy and in good shape. There is a lot of research on the benefits of different vegetables and fruits, but it is very interesting that nature makes it easy for us. How exactly?Through…. the form. In this article, we have selected fruits and vegetables that resemble the shape of the organ in the human body, for which they are extremely useful.

I will tell you about 17 foods whose shapes resemble those human organs for which they are useful. As for a drink respected since ancient times. Is this a coincidence? Perhaps. However, these foods, in addition to being particularly useful for the organs whose shape they resemble, also benefit our entire organism. Remember - most of these foods are more beneficial in raw look.

1. Carrot - eyes

The cut one carrotresembles the pupil and the iris of the eye. Scientific studies have long proven that the consumption of carrots significantly increasesпритока на кръв в очите, а бета каротинът на който се дължи оранжевият цвят на моркова, спомага за maintaining good vision, protects against macular degenerationand by the formation of a curtain. And… make no mistake beta carotene in tablets does not have the same effect as a fresh carrot, so do not miss to include the orange vegetable in your menu.

2. Tomato - heart

The tomato has four chambers and is red in color, which resembles the heart more than any other fruit or vegetable. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which gives them their red color. Lycopene consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Tomatoes are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which also plays a big role in heart health. Tomato - food for the blood and heart

3. Grapes - lung

Гроздето напомня алвеолите в белите дробове. Те позволяват на кислорода да преминава от дробовете в кръвта. Диета, богата на свежо грозде, намалява риска от рак на белите дробове! Гроздовите семки съдържат вещество, наречено проантоцианидин, което влияе изключително благоприятно върху астмата, предизвикана от алергии.


4. Walnut – brain


The nut is remarkably reminiscent of the human one brain. Apart from having the same division as the brain - left and right hemispheres (hemispheres), the folds on the surface of the walnut are just like the folds of the brain (neo cortex). Scientists have proven that walnut helps develop about 40 neurotransmitters in the brain, helping the development of new connections and the flow of signals in its tissues. Eating walnuts protects against dementia and also extracts and breaks down protein plaque that is associated with Alzheimer's disease. Walnuts are a good source of omega-3s and contain more antioxidants, folate (vitamin B9) and vitamin E than any other nut.

5. Bob – kidneys


The bean heals and supports the function of the kidneys, with which it bears an amazing resemblance. It contains a huge range of minerals, vitamins and proteins. Its use is good for health, especially when it is balanced. It's important to keep in mind that if your kidneys are healthy, beans help maintain them. But, if you have disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, it is good to limit the intake of legumes.

6. Celery – кости

Стъблото на целината напомня кости. Именно за тях е изключително полезен този зеленчук. Целината съдържа силиций, който е част от структурата на костите. Ето и един удивителен факт: костите съдържат 23% натрий. Същото е съдържанието на натрий и в целината.


7. Strawberries – зъби

Ако гледате телевизия със сигурност всеки ден по няколко пъти ще виждате реклами на паста за зъби или други избелващи зъбите продукти. И тук е мястото да ви кажа колко полезни могат да бъдат ягодите за тази цел. Ако редовно похапвате ягоди, съдържащата се в тях малиева кисе;ина помага за изчистването на емайла, премахването на отлаганията както и за избелването на зъбите.

8. Avocado - female reproductive system


The avocadoе помощник за здравето и функциите на женската полова система. Последните изследвания показват, че употребата на едно авокадо на седмица балансира женските хормони, намалява наднорменото тегло и снижава риска от рак на шийката на матката. Удивително, е че времето от цъфтежа до съзряването на авокадото е точно 9 месеца!

9. Fig - male reproductive system

The figs are full of seeds and usually grow in pairs. Research has proven that figs increase the number and motility of sperm, and are also suitable for combating male sterility.

10. Sweet potato – Pancreas.

Sweet potato/Sweet potato/ it has the shape of the pancreas and can significantly balance the glycemic index of patients with diabetes diabetes. Sweet potatoes contain a high amount of beta carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant and protects all tissues of our body, including the pancreas, from damage related to cancer and aging.

11. Olives - ovaries

The olives
подпомагат здравето и функциите на яйчниците. Италианско изследване открило, че жените консумиращи повече зехтин и маслини имат 30% по-ниска вероятност да се разболеят от рак of the ovaries. The reasons are not yet known to science, but it is assumed that the healthy fats of olive oil suppress the action of the genes responsible for the development of cancers.

12. Grapefruit – chest

Grapefruit, Orange and other citrus fruitsthey look just like the females chest and actually aid in their health and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. According to research by Dr. Molds, the limonoids contained in citrus fruits slow the growth of tumor cells in laboratory animals.

13. Banana - mood.

EatingBananayou put a smile on your face and improve your mood. This very popular fruit contains the protein Tryptophan, which when ingested turns into serotonin - the chemical responsible for a good mood. Banana is often called a natural antidepressant as it helps to balance serotonin levels in the brain.

14. Onion - the cells of the body.

Lukaresembles the cells of the body. Studies have proven that it cleans waste materials from all cells of the body. In addition, when cutting, they cause the release of tears, which in turn clean the outer cornea of the eyes.

15. Ginger - stomach.

Ginger in shape it resembles the stomach and helps digestion. Indian and Chinese healers have used for over 5,000 years to soothe stomach ailments and nausea. It also reduces the rate of development of various stomach tumors.


16. Mushrooms - rumor.

A mushroom cut in two resembles the shape of an ear. Mushrooms improve hearing. They contain vitamin D, which is good for the bones and especially for the three tiny ossicles in the ear that help transmit sound waves to the brain.

17. Ginseng - the human body.

Ginseng rootit looks like a human body and is a holistic remedy for almost all parts of the body.

And here is our guest of honor:

18. Red wine – кръв

The red wine, is a rich source of antioxidants and polyphenols, including the powerful resveratrol. By drinking red wine (in reasonable amounts of course) you are loading up on the body's powerful defenders, fighting bad cholesterol, thinning the blood, thus protecting against heart disease and heart attack.

Source: flow.bg

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