St. John's Wort

St. John's wort in olive oil - the legendary recipe of Petar Dunov

Petar Dunov's recipe:

Put colors from St. John's Wort in a jar or bottle to the neck. They are poured with olive oil. Gauze is put on the throat and it stands in the sun for about 40 days. The liquid becomes blood red in color.

It is filtered and poured into dark bottles with a cap. It can stay in the fridge for a year. If mold appears - just remove it. The oil is not damaged.

Използва се противовъзпалителното му действие за мазане на рани, при изгорено, попарено с вряла вода, натъртване, навяхване, циреи, за разтривка при ишиас, ревматизъм, лумбаго, болки в гърба, спортни травми, алергии по кожата, херпес, ухапвания и др.

At bedwetting rub the base of the spine with this oil. At colic the baby's tummy can be rubbed.

Danov recommends 50 years St. John's Wort to soak in 200 ml of olive oil and stand in the sun for 20 days. Wounds are successfully anointed with the resulting oil.

Works magic on an ulcer. The liquid not only soothes the pain, but also helps to heal the ulcer, to "polish" its surface, regardless of whether it is located in the stomach or duodenum.

Maria Treben advises that for burn wounds St. John's wort is soaked in linseed oil. Wounds in animals can also be treated with the oil.

St. John's wort, also called It rings, Hypericim perforatum is an ancient herb that cures many diseases.

Наричат го още Христова кръв, заради червения цвят, който пускат стъблата му при рязане и киснене. Наподобява кръв.

The stems with the leaves and the color are valuable. It is harvested after June 24. It can be used both raw and dried. It contains glycosides, red pigment, hyperacin, flavonoids, tannin, resins, essential oil.

Facilitates wound healing. It has a nervine, antimicrobial, diuretic, anthelmintic effect. It is used for internal and external treatment. From St. John's Wort tea, tincture and oil are made.

Sitz baths with this herb, like a whole bucket of stems, also work very well St. John's Wort is filled with water. Stay overnight. The next day, it is boiled and poured into the bath water. It lasts 20 minutes.

Tea from St. John's Wort.

The most common application of St. John's wort is in the form of tea. The most traditional recipe for making tea is to steam one full teaspoon of the herb with ¼ liter of water. It's a little wet.

You can also make a more concentrated tea by pouring 2 tbsp. l. of the herb with half a liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 100 ml. 15 minutes before meals, 3-4 servings per day.

Maria Treben recommends that young girls in the years of their sexual development drink two cups of tea each St. John's Wort daily because it supports the development of female organs and the regularity of menstruation.

The tea should be covered because St. John's wort contains essential oil.

The pharmacy chain also sells boxes of packaged herbal tea bags.

What does St. John's wort treat?

St. John's wort heals depression, depression, dark thoughts, insomnia, neurasthenia, anxiety, headache, hysteria, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, hysterical attacks, speech disturbances, somnambulism, ill throat, inflammation of the nose, meningitis, hay fever, kidneys, рани, охлузена кожа, възпалено ухо, bedwetting, pleurisy, pneumonia, ulcer, colitis, gastritis, heartburn, stomach cramps, upset stomach, gall, gout, arthritis, акне, леки форми на туберкулоза, white discharge, cardiovascular disorders, diarrhea, rheumatism, burns, bruises, sprains, boils, as a blood-stopping agent in hemorrhoids и обилна менструация, подувания на жлезите, лумбаго, ишиас, слънчеви burns, colic of infants, epilepsy, действа и профилактично при рак.


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