9 Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that is also good for you. It contains only 46 calories per slice, but is high in vitamin C, vitamin A and many healthy plant compounds. Here are the top 9 health benefits of eating watermelon.
  1. It helps you hydrate
Drinking water is an important way to keep your body hydrated. However, eating foods with a high water content can also help. Interestingly, watermelon contains 92% of water. What's more, the high water content is one of the reasons why fruits and vegetables help you feel full. The combination of water and fiber gives you a good volume of food without a lot of calories. 2. Contains nutrients and beneficial plant compounds When it comes to fruit, watermelon is one of the lowest in calories – only 46 calories per piece (154 grams). This is lower than even low-sugar fruit. One piece (154 grams) of watermelon also contains many other nutrients, including these vitamins and minerals: Vitamin C: 21% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) Vitamin A: 18% of the RDI Potassium: 5% of the RDI Magnesium: 4% of the RDI Vitamins B1, B5 and B6: 3% by RDI Watermelon is also high in carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lycopene. It also has citrulline, an important amino acid. Here's an overview of the most important antioxidants in watermelon: Vitamin C Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage from free radicals. Carotenoids Carotenoids are a class of plant compounds that include alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. Lycopene Lycopene is a type of carotenoid that is not converted into vitamin A. This powerful antioxidant gives plant foods like tomatoes their red color. and watermelon and is associated with many health benefits. Cucurbitacin E Cucurbitacin E is a plant compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Bitter melon, a relative of watermelon, contains even more cucurbitacin E. 3. Съдържа съединения, които могат да помогнат за предотвратяване на рак Учени са изследвали ликопен и други отделни растителни съединения в динята за техните противоракови ефекти. Въпреки че приемът на ликопен е свързан с по-нисък риск от някои видове рак, резултатите от проучването са смесени. Изглежда, че най-силната връзка до момента е между ликопен и ракови заболявания на храносмилателната система. До момента се знае, че намалява риска от рак, by reducing insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a protein involved in cell division. High levels of IGF have been linked to cancer (3Trusted Source). In addition, cucurbitacin E has been investigated for its ability to inhibit tumor growth. 4. It can improve heart health Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. Several nutrients in watermelon have specific benefits for heart health. Studies show that lycopene can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also help prevent oxidative damage to cholesterol. According to studies in obese, postmenopausal women, lycopene may also reduce the stiffness and thickness of arterial walls. Watermelon also contains citrulline, an amino acid that can increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels dilate, which lowers blood pressure. Other vitamins and minerals in watermelon are also good for your heart. These include vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium. 5. May reduce inflammation and oxidative stress Inflammation is a key driver of many chronic diseases. Watermelon can help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage because it is rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C. As an antioxidant, lycopene can also benefit brain health. For example, it can help slow the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease.
6. May help prevent macular degeneration Lycopene is found in several parts of the eye, where it helps protect against oxidative damage and inflammation. It can also prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is a common eye problem that can cause blindness in adults. Lycopene's role as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound may help prevent the development and worsening of AMD. 7. May help relieve muscle soreness Citrulline, an amino acid in watermelon, can reduce muscle soreness. Also available as a supplement. Interestingly, watermelon juice improves the absorption of citrulline. 8. It is good for skin and hair Two vitamins in watermelon – A and C – are important for healthy skin and hair. Vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, a protein that keeps your skin supple and your hair healthy. Vitamin A is also important for health кожа, тъй като помага за създаването и възстановяването на кожни клетки. Без достатъчно витамин А кожата ви може да изглежда суха и лющеща се. Както ликопенът, така и бета-каротинът също могат да помогнат за предпазването на кожата от слънчево изгаряне. 9. It can improve digestion Watermelon contains a lot of water and a small amount of fiber, both of which are important for healthy digestion. Eating water-rich and fiber-rich fruits, including watermelon, can be very helpful in promoting normal bowel movements.

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