7 proven health benefits of ginseng

Ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. This slow-growing, short plant with fleshy roots can be classified in three ways, depending on how long it has been grown: fresh, white or red. Fresh ginseng is harvested before the fourth year, while white ginseng is harvested between 4–6 years and red ginseng is harvested after 6 or more years. There are many species of this herb, but the most popular are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng). American and Asian ginseng differ in their concentration of active compounds and effects on the body. American ginseng is believed to act as a relaxant, while the Asian variety has an invigorating effect. Ginseng contains two important compounds: ginsenosides and gintonin. These compounds add up to provide health benefits. Here are 7 well-founded proven health benefits of ginseng. 1. A powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammationher Ginseng has beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some test-tube studies show that ginseng extracts and ginsenoside compounds can inhibit inflammation and increase antioxidant capacity in cells. For example, a test-tube study found that Korean red ginseng extract reduced inflammation and improved the antioxidant activity of skin cells from people with eczema. The results are promising in humans as well. The researchers concluded that red ginseng may help reduce oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant enzyme activities. 2. It can improve brain functionGinseng can help improve brain functions such as memory, behavior and mood. Some test-tube and animal studies show that components in ginseng, such as ginsenosides and compound K, may protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals. It is possible that ginseng may also help cells absorb blood sugar, which could increase productivity and reduce mental fatigue. Moreover, other studies have found positive effects on brain function and behavior in people with Alzheimer's disease.
3. It can improve erectile dysfunctionResearch shows that ginseng may be a useful alternative for treating erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It appears that the compounds in it may protect against oxidative stress in penile blood vessels and tissues and help restore normal function. In addition, studies show that ginseng can stimulate the production of nitric oxide, a compound that improves muscle relaxation in the penis and increases blood circulation. 4. It can boost the immune system Женшенът може да укрепи имунната система. Някои проучвания, изследващи въздействието му върху имунната система, са фокусирани върху пациенти с рак, подложени на операция или химиотерапия. Едно проучване проследява 39 души, които се възстановяват след операция от рак of the stomach by treating them with 5,400 mg of ginseng daily for two years. Interestingly, these people had significant improvements in immune function and lower recurrence of symptoms. Another study examined the effect of red ginseng extract on immune system markers in people with advanced рак на стомаха, подложени на химиотерапия след операцията. След три месеца тези, които приемат екстракт от червен женшен, имат по-добри маркери на имунната система от тези в контролната или плацебо групата. Освен това, проучване предполага, че хората, които приемат женшен, могат да имат до 35% по-висок шанс да живеят без болести в продължение на пет години след лечебна операция и до 38% по-висока степен на оцеляване в сравнение с тези, които не го приемат. Изглежда, че екстрактът от женшен може да засили ефекта от ваксинациите срещу заболявания като грип. 5. May have potential anti-cancer benefits Женшенът може да бъде полезен за намаляване на риска от някои видове рак. Доказано е, че гинзенозидите в тази билка помагат за намаляване на възпалението и осигуряват антиоксидантна защита. Клетъчният цикъл е процес, при който клетките обикновено растат и се делят. Гинзенозидите могат да се възползват от този цикъл, като предотвратяват необичайно клетъчно производство и растеж. Преглед на няколко проучвания заключава, че хората, които приемат женшен, могат да имат 16% по-нисък риск от развитие на рак. Освен това, наблюдателно проучване предполага, че хората, приемащи женшен, могат да имат по-малка вероятност да развият определени видове рак, като рак на устните, устата, хранопровода, стомаха, дебелото черво, черния дроб и белия дроб, отколкото тези, които не го приемат. Женшенът може също да помогне за подобряване на здравето на пациентите, подложени на химиотерапия, да намали страничните ефекти и да засили ефекта на някои лечебни лекарства. Докато проучванията за ролята на женшен в превенцията на рака показват някои ползи, те остават неубедителни. 6. It can fight fatigue and increase energy levelsGinseng has been shown to help fight fatigue and promote energy. Various animal studies have linked certain components in ginseng, such as polysaccharides and oligopeptides, to lower oxidative stress and higher energy production in cells, which may help fight fatigue. A four-week study examined the effects of giving 1 or 2 grams of Panax ginseng or a placebo to 90 people with chronic fatigue. Those given Panax ginseng experienced less physical and mental fatigue and a reduction in oxidative stress than those given a placebo. Additionally, a review of over 155 studies suggests that ginseng supplements may not only help reduce fatigue, but also improve physical activity. 7. It can lower blood sugar Ginseng appears to be beneficial for blood glucose control in humans as with diabetesGood sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Research shows that poor sleep has immediate negative effects on your hormones, exercise performance and brain function. It can also cause weight gain and increase the risk of disease in both adults and children. In contrast, diabetes. It appears that fermented red ginseng may be even more effective at controlling blood sugar. Fermented ginseng is produced using live bacteria that transform the ginsenosides into a more easily digestible and potent form. Easy to add to your dietGinseng root can be consumed in many ways. It can be eaten raw or you can lightly steam it to soften it. It can also be steeped in water to make a tea. To do this, simply add hot water to freshly chopped ginseng and let it sit for a few minutes. Ginseng can be added to a variety of recipes such as soups and stir-fries. And the extract can be found in the form of powder, tablets, capsules and oils. How much you should take depends on the condition you want to improve. In general, daily doses of 1-2 grams of raw ginseng root or 200-400 mg of extract are recommended. It is best to start with lower doses and increase over time. Look for a standard ginseng extract that contains 2-3% total ginsenoside and consume it before meals to increase absorption and get the full benefits.

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