
Категория: Alphabet of Diseases

Represent storage bases. Solo Action - According to Louise Hay

New Thinking Model:
I am the creative force in my life.

Diseases of the glands

Probable cause (according to Louise Hay):
Poor distribution of ideas requiring immediate implementation.

New Thinking Model:
I have all the divine ideas and energy I need. I'm moving on right away

Надбъбречни жлези:

Probable cause (according to Louise Hay):
Defeat. Neglecting self-care. Anxiety.

New Thinking Model:
I love and approve of myself. It's safe to take care of myself.

Thymus Gland:

Probable cause (according to Louise Hay):
A gland that controls the immune system. You feel attacked by life, "They" are chasing you.

New Thinking Model:
My loving thoughts keep my immune system strong. I am safe both internally and externally. I heal myself with love.

Pituitary gland, pituitary gland,

Probable cause (according to Louise Hay):
It represents the controlling center.

New Thinking Model:
My mind and body are in perfect balance. I control my thoughts.


Probable cause (according to Louise Hay):
Humiliation. There is never any time left to do what I want. When will it be my turn?

New Thinking Model:
I am moving beyond old limitations and now allow myself to express myself freely and creatively.

Enlarged thyroid gland:

Probable cause (according to Louise Hay):
Too much frustration because you can't accomplish what you want. You always consider others and not yourself.

New Thinking Model:
I return my power to its rightful place. I make my own decisions. I am satisfied.

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