The miraculous secrets of sea salt

Солта като един от най-важните компоненти на човешката кръв е от изключително значение за нашето здраве. Тя участва в обменните процеси, регулира сърдечната дейност, работата на бъбреците и изпълнява много други жизненоважни функции.

Natural sea salt is the most useful for humans. Its composition is closest to blood plasma. Sea salt contains all the necessary chemical elements (64 in number) - copper, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium, sulfur, silicon, bromine, iodine and more, and more...

All minerals are valuable for our body. They regulate the supply of cells with nutrients and their purification, form cell membranes, improve the transmission of nerve impulses, help blood to clot, calm the nervous system, regulate hormonal exchange. In addition, sea salt has a healing effect on the skin and is therefore actively used in balneology - it irritates the skin, which leads to a rush of кръв, в резултат на това клетките на кожата активно се обновяват, а раните и възпаленията се лекуват по-бързо. Солта влияе на нервната система, тя е много добро средство, намаляващо стреса.

Natural sea salt is formed by evaporation of sea water under the influence of the sun and wind. It is gathered once a year - in the summer. The collected salt is processed: it is washed, dried and saturated until crystals of different sizes are obtained. This technology preserves the biologically active substances in it.

The benefits of sea salt are many:

  1. Sea salt helps alkalizationof the body - the minerals in it regulate the acidity of the body and help to remove toxins and reduce the acidity of the body.
  2. Protects against cardiovascular diseases- Half a teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in warm water is a natural remedy for controlling high cholesterol and blood pressure. Although salt is not recommended for people with hypertension, this variety can be taken in small amounts without posing any danger to health. Its high content of essential minerals contributes to reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and heart attack.
  3. Relieves muscle pain- sea salt contains high levels of potassium and magnesium, which together ensure the proper functioning of the muscles. Sea salt is especially useful during and after physical exertion, as it helps to preserve and restore the electrolyte balance in the body.
  4. Strengthens the immune system- the use of sea salt in moderate quantities helps to prevent colds, грип и други вирусни infections. this is due to the many trace elements contained in the composition and.

How to treat yourself with sea salt?

Nasal wash

With a runny nose and all types of sinusitis, as well as with initial symptoms of a cold (dryness and scratchy nose and nasopharynx), rinse your nose with a solution of sea salt with a concentration of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. The procedure can be done when both sinuses are free. Take a syringe or a teapot with a narrow spout, plug one nostril and pour the liquid into the second. The head should be slightly tilted. If you do everything right, the water enters the nasopharynx and begins to flow from the second nostril.

For compresses and body heat:

In case of diseases, discomfort or pain, heat salt in a container to a temperature that is comfortable for your body, pour into a cloth bag and place - preferably overnight - on the area that bothers you. The salt must be absolutely clean, preferably fresh from the store, and preferably straight from the salt shaker, from the original source - Mother Earth. Heated salt must be applied individually - the temperature must be pleasant to you.

Gargle for the throat

Salted water is used to gargle with a cold - pain, inflammation, difficulty swallowing. Take two cups of warm boiled water, add 2 tablespoons of fine sea salt and mix well. Gargle the throat with large gulps and then spit the solution out.

Against toxins

Sea salt perfectly relaxes the muscles and calms the nervous system. Take 500g of coarse sea salt, add it to a bath heated to body temperature and lie in it for 15-20 minutes. You can add a few drops of calming essential oils – lavender, lemon balm, лайка, жасмин. По време на процедурата минералите активно проникват в кожата, възстановявайки водното, белтъчното, витаминното и минерално равновесие в организма. Освен това освобождават токсините от човешкия организъм на ниво потни и мастни жлези. Обикновено се правят 10-12 процедури през ден.

Against cellulite

Mix fine sea salt with shower gel and rub into the wet body with massaging movements. You can add geranium or grapefruit oil. Rinse with warm water, then put on a warm robe and curl up in bed.

For the skin and joints

  • Vaniwith coarse sea salt are prescribed in the treatment of skin diseases - psoriasis, vitiligo, various types of diathesis, neurodermatitis, eczema and others. In addition, they can be used to treat joint diseases, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.
  • Compress for joint problems
    For this recipe, you need a large glass of coarse salt and half a liter of cognac. That's all it takes to mix well. Then you add three hot peppers - chopped. This stands for five days in a closed jar, stirring and shaking occasionally. This mixture is used as a compress. The compress is made as follows. First, you smear the skin with vegetable oil so that there is no burning. Then you take gauze, moisten it in the mixture, squeeze it slightly, put it on the sore spot, put cellophane on top and then bandage it. And all this lasts for an hour or two.

Recipe at periodontal disease:

3 tablespoons of sea salt, which are ground in a coffee grinder. The peel of a banana is baked in a cast iron pan. Half a teaspoon of it is added to the salt. It is ground into flour. Then resin (resin from Siberian cedar) is ground into powder in a mortar. 1 teaspoon of mercury is needed. Everything is mixed and olive oil is added until it has a consistency like cream. The result is a mixture that is applied to the gum in the evening, before going to bed, and gently rubbed.

Salt baths with linden color

A bath with linden blossom, mint and sea salt will heal your feet from swelling. Take 2 handfuls each of mint and linden leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water over them and leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain the finished decoction into a basin of water, add a handful of sea salt and mix well. Dip your feet in the bath prepared in this way. The procedure lasts 15 minutes.

As an additive in food

We often hear that salt raises blood pressure and is generally harmful. It's about table salt. With sea salt, things are different - it improves the function of the thyroid gland, activates digestive enzymes, normalizes blood pressure, regulates water balance, strengthens the immune system. Indeed, there are many reasons to replace table salt with sea salt.



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