10 invaluable tips from Lily Dimkova – the daughter of the healer Petar Dimkov

"From morning to night I thank you for everything," says the daughter of our great naturopath Petar Dimkov. At 84, Lili Dimkova reads without glasses and has never dyed her hair. Following her father's will, she shares 10 secrets for health, longevity and spiritual growth:

1. Take at least 10 deep breaths three times a day before meals.Chew the food, put into it a positive thought that it will give you strength. Isn't that why we eat? And not just to stuff ourselves. It is important to listen to your body's signals and not force yourself. I've been a vegetarian since I was little, I don't feel the need to eat meat, but if a person feels like eating, it's better to eat.

2. Measure in everything is most important.Morning sun, silence, air, movement are most important. When we show love to something, it loves us back.

3. My father used to say that yarrow purifies the blood and the body.Кръвта е тялото на нашия дух. Имайки чиста кръв, ние ще имаме чисто тяло и духовно, и физически. Разбира се и с билките не бива да се прекалява. А когато сутрин отпивам вода, си казвам: сила и светлина за ума, живот за сърцето, здраве за тялото.

4. There is nothing more powerful than a positive thought.If a person is sick and does not believe that he will get well, no medicine can cure him.

5. Splash room temperature water over closed eyes every night.12 times on one, 12 times on the other, then repeat 13 times the first, 13 times the second. A total of 25 times for each eye. This cleans the eye sockets well. I've been doing it all my life.

6. To be healthy and beautiful, first of all we must be good.Anger, jealousy, and malice eat away at us from the inside. They inevitably reflect on our faces. When we develop in ourselves positive thoughts and actions, our wrinkles will be noble and will be marks of goodness.

7. If there is something to forgive - forgive!If there is something that would help you solve a problem - solve it, but with love, with kindness. Don't criticize because criticism is destructive. We often give advice and make the mistake of interfering in the lives of others. We shouldn't do it if a person hasn't asked. Complaining is also a pointless burden on the other. When you have something you want to say, go out on the balcony and say it. Gorky said, "Don't pour the slop on each other's head."

8. Lying is at the root of most diseases.We are like radio transmitters and receivers. We cannot avoid the badness of some people, but what is more important is how long we will keep it in us and how quickly we will get rid of it. I always replace it with a nice thought. And the lie? Dad claimed it was the root of disease. Accumulated lies are negation, and negation always leads to some disease.

9. "Goethe said, 'The best day is today.'" Don't be sullen and bitter.If you are sad, look into the eyes of a child, it will always make you smile. Smiles are in short supply these days, but they are a wonderful thing. When we smile, the muscles that move on the face give an impulse to our brain and this has an extremely beneficial effect.

10. Fear is the worst thing. Fear is pure sickness.Anxiety builds up in us and leaves its mark on our faces. Keeping a young and good spirit is rooted in the family. "At home there was a lot of love, understanding, respect. In 61 years of marriage, I never once heard any rude word or argument from my parents. It built me as a character. Whatever I do, I always ask myself - what would my father do? It was not by chance that he was called the sun man. He was extremely devoted to people and healed without taking a single piece of silver. Without love, it is impossible to go forward and upward. You turn to everything with love, to people, to animals, and to plants. The most important thing is to love, not to wait only to be loved."

Lili Dimkova is an esoteric artist. She is the daughter of the folk healer Dr. Petar Dimkov. She was born on July 16, 1932 in Stara Zagora, she has two brothers. He graduated from theater decoration, worked as a scenographer at the Gabrovo theater and an artist editor at the "Science and Art" publishing house. He is the author of the costumes for a number of Bulgarian films and the layouts of many books. She had exhibitions in Sofia, New York - museumof N. Roerich, San Francisco, Berlin.

Source: flow.bg

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