

Категория: Encyclopedia of Herbs


(Cotinus coggygria Scop.)

Residence in Bulgaria:

It grows in dry and stony places and in the bushes on the southern slopes in the foothills.


Sumac is a shrub up to 2 m tall or a small tree up to 4 m. Leaves are alternate, 3-8 cm long, ovate with long petioles. The flowers are greenish, collected in a panicle. The fruit is dry, one-seeded. Blooms May-June.

Usable parts:

The leaves of the plant, which are harvested during flowering, but never after fruit formation. They are dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of up to 50 °C.

Collection time:

May-June (The leaves of the plant are harvested during flowering)

Composition of the herb:

Sumac leaves contain tannins, essential oil, etc.

Therapeutic effect:

Astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Due to its high content of tannins, sumac is the plant with the strongest astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. In larger doses, it lowers blood pressure. Stimulates the healing of superficial wounds and ulcers in the stomach and colon. It affectsanti-inflammatory and when affecting the renal pelvises


Internally: In diarrhoea, bleeding hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the gums (periodontal disease), toothache, sore throat, kidney disease, stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Externally: It is used for baths in wounds, eczema, hemorrhoids, when the feet sweat, for washes at white discharge, for applying poultices on purulent wounds and boils, for compresses on youth pimples. In a mixture with salt and nishadar, it is used for gargling with sore throats and gagging to strengthen the gums.

Ways of use:

Internally: 1 tablespoon of the herb is infused with 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup of coffee before meals 3 times a day.

Externally: For baths and compresses – 50 years sumac boil for 20 minutes in 2 liters of water

Bulgarian traditional usage:

In Bulgarian folk medicine, sumac is used for
• vomiting blood,
inflammation of the intestines and stomach,
• kidney diseases,
• heartburn,

Name in English: Smoketree
Name in German:
Name in French:

tetra, cuckoo
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