Pine tips

Pine Tops

Категория: Encyclopedia of Herbs

Due to the rich content of essential oil, pine tips exert anti-inflammatory, drying bronchial secretions, weak antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anti-putrefactive action. They also have known antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic effects 

Residence in Bulgaria:

It grows in the mountains from 1000 to 2200 m above sea level, especially on south-facing slopes.


An evergreen coniferous tree with a straight, up to 40 m tall stem and with vertebra-shaped branches. The leaves are needle-like, grey-green, up to 7 cm long, two together. The cones are elongated ovoid, collected in groups, with downwardly curled stalks. The male cones are clustered at the base, and the female cones at the top of the young branches. 

Usable parts:

The young ones are used pine tips, collected in early spring before flowering. They are dried in the shade or in a dryer at 40 °C. When picking the tips, please leave at least 1/3 of the tips on the tree so that it can develop and continue to give us its benefits.

Collection time:

Early spring.

Composition of the herb:

They contain about 0.5% of essential oil, which consists of α-pinene, β-pinene, β-phellandrene, limonene, myrcene, cadinene, sylvestrene, borneal, boronyl acetate, bornyl ester, etc.; resinous substances, vitamin C, tannins, etc 

Therapeutic effect:

At bronchitis, angina, cough, kidney stones, pine tips have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, weak antimicrobial and expectorant effect. They are used for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis, bronchial ,asthma. They are also used in diseases of the urinary tract, inflammation of bile anemia, gout. Externally - in rheumatic diseases, ишиас, лумбаго, hemorrhoids and skin rashes. 

Ways of use:

Internal - in the form of syrup: 30 years pine tips pour 600 ml of water. Boil until the water is reduced to 500 ml. 150 g of honey, 100 g of Nebetsheker and 50 g of Nishadar are added to the strained decoction (the latter only with cough). Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Externally - prepare a decoction (1:10) for compresses or inhalations. The decoction can be added to water for making baths in a bathtub. 

Bulgarian traditional usage:

Inhalations with pine tips. Take 20 g. pine tips and put in 250 ml. boiling water. The patient leans over the vessel and inhales the vapor. Inhalations last 10-15 minutes. They are used for diseases of the respiratory tract. 

At cough. Take 100 gr. pine tips and boil in 2.5 liters of water until the liquid remains 0.5 liters. The cooled and strained decoction is sweetened with honey or Nebethshaker and 1 cup of coffee is drunk from it 3 times a day 

In rheumatism and skin diseases baths are made with a decoction of 500 g of the drug, boiled for 30 minutes with 5 liters of water and added to the bath water. 

Name in English:
Name in German:
Name in French:
Name in Latin: White pine—Pinus sylvestris L. pine tipsTuriones Pini 


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