

Категория: Encyclopedia of Herbs


(Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)

Residence in Bulgaria:

In our country, the herb is found in dry and grassy places, along roads and crops. The cultivated plant was found in different regions of the country 10–15 years ago. In some places, the plant can also be found wild


Annual herb with erect or ascending, hollow stems up to 10–40 cm tall. The leaves are compound, triple, 20–50 mm long and 10–15 mm wide, obovate to oblong-lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are single or in groups of two, sitting in the axils of the upper leaves. The calyx is fused into a short tube, 5-parted. The corolla is blue (pale yellow for the Greek fenugreek). The flag is without a nail. There are 10 stamens, of which 9 are fused and 1 is free. The lady is blunt at the tip. The fruit is a 4–6–10 cm long naked bean, gradually ending in a beak.

Usable parts:

The seeds of the plant, which are dried after they are fully ripened

Collection time:


Composition of the herb:

It contains the alkaloid trigonelline, diosgenin, tigogenin, nicotinic acid, mucilaginous substances, choline, rutin, bitter substances, traces of essential oil, protein substances, vitamin C, in the shell of the seeds (pods) tannins, etc.

Therapeutic effect:

Appetite-stimulating and pain-relieving. Lowers blood sugar, enhances sexual activity.Stimulates metabolism, lowers blood sugar level, improves appetite, increases body weight, restores body strength.


Internally:In the treatment of mild forms of diabetes, in the treatment of pellagra - deficiency of vitamin PP. In lung diseases.In exhausted patients due to chronic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes, malnutrition, diarrhea, bleeding hemorrhoids), in case of sexual weakness, etc

Externally. For the treatment of skin diseases - boils, purulent wounds, etc.

Ways of use:


An infusion of one tablespoon of crushed seeds in 450-500 ml of boiling water, soak for 1 hour - dose for 1 day. Take 150 ml 3 times a day.


A decoction of one tablespoon of crushed seeds and 250 ml of water is used, which boils for 10 minutes. The resulting slurry is spread on gauze or cheesecloth and placed in the form of a poultice on the sore spot


Bulgarian traditional usage:

An infusion of the seeds of Fenugreek drink when you have a cold, cough, tuberculosis, diabetes, avitaminosis, to stimulate the appetite. Externally, the decoction of the seeds is used for the appearance of boils, boils, purulent wounds, eczema, cracked nipples of nursing mothers, etc. The aqueous extract of the fruits is used as a powerful folk insecticide. Crushed to powder Fenugreek sprinkled on bedding to repel fleas and bedbugs.

Name in English:Sweet trefoil
Name in German:Blauer steinklee
Name in French:Sainegrain

Chimen, Greek hay, camel hay, fenugreek
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