Here's everything you need to know about propolis and its uses

What is propolis?Did you know that honey isn't the only thing bees make? Bees also produce a compound called propolis made up of sap on conifers or evergreens. When they combine the sap with their own droppings and beeswax, they create a sticky, greenish-brown product used as a coating to build their hives. This is propolis. Thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations used propolis for its healing properties. The Greeks used it to treat abscesses. The Assyrians placed it on wounds and growths to fight infection and aid the healing process. The Egyptians used it to embalm mummies. The composition of propolis can vary depending on the location of the bees and what trees and flowers they have access to. For example, propolis from Europe will not have the same chemical composition as propolis from Brazil. This can make it difficult for researchers to draw general conclusions about health benefits. What the research saysPropolis is believed to have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. But scientific research on propolis is limited. Researchers aren't quite sure why, but the bee product appears to provide protection against some bacteria, viruses and fungi. Wounds Propolis has a special compound called pinocembrin, a flavonoid that acts as an antifungal agent. These anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make propolis useful in wound healing. Studies have found that propolis can help people who have burns, to heal faster by accelerating the growth of new healthy cells. Additionally, topical propolis alcohol extract is more effective than steroid cream in reducing mast cells in oral surgical wounds. Fat cells are associated with inflammation and delayed wound healing. Cold and genital herpesOintments that contain 3 percent propolis can help speed healing time and reduce symptoms of both cold sores and genital herpes sores. Studies have found that if propolis is applied three times a day, it helps heal herpes faster than no treatment at all. Researchers have found that propolis cream not only reduces the amount of herpes virus present in a person's body, but also protects the body from future herpes breakouts. Рак Предполага се, че прополисът има роля и при лечението на някои видове рак. Според едно проучване Доверен източник, някои от противораковите ефекти на веществото включват: -задържане на раковите клетки да се размножават -намаляване на вероятността клетките да станат ракови -блокира пътища, като пречи на раковите клетки да си сигнализират помежду си Изследвания също така предполагат, че прополисът може да бъде допълваща терапия, но не само лечение на рак. Освен това приемането на китайски прополис може да бъде полезна допълнителна терапия при лечение на рак на гърдата поради неговите антитуморни ефекти върху клетките на рака на гърдата. Dangers of taking propolis There is not yet enough evidence to determine whether propolis products are safe, but they are not considered high risk. People usually ingest some propolis when they eat honey. However, if you have alergy to honey or bees, you will also have a reaction to products containing propolis. Propolis can also cause its own allergic reaction when used for a long time. A typical allergic reaction is similar to eczema on the skin. Talk to your doctor before adding propolis to your treatment plan, especially if you have existing allergies or asthma.

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