Cichorium intybus

Blue bile

Категория: Encyclopedia of Herbs

The magical one chicory(blue bile) – care for the whole body

Residence in Bulgaria:

Through the grassy places, the meadows, the fields and along the roads all over the country.


The blue one gall is a perennial herb, 30-120 cm tall, with a ridged, branched, hairy stem. The ground leaves are also covered with hairs, pinnately cut and arranged in a rosette, and the stem leaves are oblong, lanceolate and wave-toothed, half-encircling the stem. The flowers are sky blue (rarely white), large with a short stem collected in a basket with a diameter of 3-4 cm. They are located at the top of the stem.

The fruit is ovoid. The root is fusiform and fleshy. All parts of the plant contain a milky sap.

Usable parts:

The aerial part of the plant, harvested during flowering. The roots, taken in autumn, after the seeds have fallen.

Collection time:

The aerial part - during the flowering of the herb (July-August), the roots - autumn time, after the seeds fall.

Composition of the herb:

The roots contain intibin (glycoside), choline, inulin, levulin, fats, levulose, fructose, tannins and protein substances.

Therapeutic effect:

Increases appetite and facilitates digestion. Lowers blood sugar. It improves metabolism and has an antimicrobial effect. It is used in liver and biliary diseases. With cirrhosis of the liver, as well as with diseases of the spleen and stomach. It has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Soothes cough. Strengthens cardiac activity by increasing the amplitude of heart contractions. It acts as a choleretic. It is also used in diabetes jaundice, worms (in children), antiperspirant, in wounds and eczema.


Internally: In diseases of the liver and bile, jaundice, enlarged spleen, gall stones, stomach ulcer, gastritis, затруднено уриниране, кръв в урината, нераз- положение в панкреаса, ранен стадий на leukemia, fibroids, to purify the blood, etc. Externally. In the form of compresses for swelling, shock, wounds, skin rashes, boils, etc. 


Ways of use:

Three tablespoons of the stalks are poured with 650 ml of boiling water, allowed to cool, and taken two or three times a day, before meals. It is also possible to make an alcohol tincture: dose 4:10, drug: alcohol (or brandy). Soak for 15–20 days, take 15–20 drops in a little water, before meals. The decoction of the drug is used externally as poultices, etc. 


Bulgarian traditional usage:

At jaundice and other liver diseases drink a decoction of Blue bile. A decoction is also drunk for common cold (scurvy), fever, cardiovascular problems, stomach ulcer, sick kidneys, jaundice, sore throat, cough and difficulty urinating. Poultices are made with the herb for boils and swellings. The plant is ritually used on Midsummer 

Name in English: Common chicory
Name in German: Gemeine Wegwarte
Name in French: ENDIVE, CHICORÉE
Name in Latin: Cichorium intybus

Chicory, Blue Gall
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